

2023-01-14 05:42:438 NBA资讯




[雷·阿伦档案] 英文名字Walter Ray Allen出生日期或生日1975年7月20日国家或地区美国身高196 厘米体重93 公斤[雷·阿伦简介] 职业:体育明星






雷·阿伦在NBA是标准的模范球员――出自名校(康涅迪格大学),球技出众,人品正直,待人和蔼,面带腼腆的笑容,充满阳光。正是由于这些因素,他被选入 “梦四队”代表自己的国家征战奥运。身高1.96米的阿伦技术全面,尤其是他的大力扣篮,如闪电霹雳,勇猛异常,精准无比的射篮,娴熟优雅的技术,俊朗出众的相貌,这一切刻画出一个独一无二的君子射手雷.阿伦。火枪手里开了密尔沃基,在超音速继续他的狩猎生涯。有人指责他的作风不够硬朗,但雷.阿伦毫无疑问是这个联盟里硕果仅存的靠中远投立足的超级球星。个人简介:

1.全名为Walter Ray Allen





6.1998年,他在电影《He got game》中扮演丹奥斯卡影帝泽尔华盛顿的儿子,演出十分精彩,评价良好。


[绰号] 绅士射手、sugar、快枪手、Jesus(耶稣)、英国小种马、雷帝、刀中君子、金牌射手、君子剑、芭比娃娃……



[得分] 三分、篮下突破、急停跳投无一不精。没有T-MAC和AI级别的启动速度,体前变向也没有SF3般华丽,但过人同样轻松写意。年轻时偶尔飙到篮下爆扣,但突破后依靠出其不意的起跳和闪电般的出手速度跳投是标志性动作,他的前队友卡塞尔也酷爱此道。急停跳投的动作堪称艺术品(非教科书),起跳极快,出手干脆利落,身体舒展潇洒。无球找空位的能力出色,空档三分犹如探囊取物。与PEJA,RIP之流的射手相比,他的持球进攻要高出N个档次,这使得对手防守他时总要留一段距离,于是他总能在防守者头上投出精准到毫米的三分球。

[防守] 不喜欢身体接触,防守很软,是他技术中的软肋。

[篮板] 平均每场能抓下5个,在后卫中水平不俗。由于身高及位置因素,前场冲抢较少。

[传球] 视野非常开阔,场均助攻不算多,但经常能从外线传出华丽的助攻。传球风格与T-MAC类似,少了突破分球这一块。

[心理素质] 沉着冷静,季后赛投手。斗志属于内敛型,喜欢用得分发泄激情而非俯卧撑怒吼。联盟最好的罚球手之一。较少致命一击,但在关键时刻他的得分如冷箭一般,直戳对手咽喉。

[比赛风格] “公平竞赛”和“体育道德”奖项的常客,打球以优雅闻名。无私,善于用自己的表现引领队友。

[其他] 外形俊美,场下无不良新闻,MJ钦定的乔丹鞋代言人之一。曾经在电影《He got game》中扮演丹泽尔华盛顿的儿子,评价良好(据说有限制级演出)。喜欢看书,经常向队友推荐好书(效果未知)。联盟死敌:马刺小前锋鲍文精彩时刻:

·2005-2006年 雷阿伦单赛季投中三分球269个,打破了NBA的历史,成为单赛季NBA历史上投中三分球最多的球员

·2007年01月14日 雷阿伦在音速的主场狂取54分,带领超音速以122比114爆冷击败了赛区第一的爵士队,54分的全场得分不但刷新了阿伦个人职业生涯的得分新高,也将他载入了西雅图人的历史。第二位的历史地位让他仅次于福雷德·布朗在1974年曾得到的58分。

·七次入选“全明星阵容”,参加“全明星大赛” ,其中三次入选东部,四次入选西部。

·2005年 在全明星赛上拿下17分为全场最高




·参加2001年全明星周末“远投大赛”打败劲旅斯托贾科维奇 ,获得冠军








·2007年11月5日 ,在凯尔特人98比95战胜多伦多猛龙的比赛中,雷·阿伦砍下了33分,职业生涯得分记录再创新高,超过17000分,这对于阿伦来说将是一个里程碑的纪念。常规赛平均数据表:

赛季 球队 出场 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前场 后场 总篮板 助攻 抢断 封盖 失误 犯规 得分

96-97 雄鹿 82 30.9 43.0% 39.3% 82.3% 1.2 2.8 4.0 2.6 0.91 0.12 1.82 2.66 13.4

97-98 雄鹿 82 40.1 42.8% 36.5% 87.5% 1.5 3.4 4.9 4.3 1.34 0.15 3.20 2.98 19.5

98-99 雄鹿 50 34.4 45.0% 35.6% 90.3% 1.1 3.1 4.2 3.6 1.06 0.14 2.44 2.34 17.1

99-00 雄鹿 82 37.4 45.5% 42.3% 88.7% 1.0 3.4 4.4 3.8 1.34 0.23 2.23 2.28 22.1

00-01 雄鹿 82 38.2 48.0% 43.3% 88.8% 1.2 4.0 5.2 4.6 1.51 0.24 2.49 2.34 22.0

01-02 雄鹿 69 36.6 46.2% 43.4% 87.3% 1.2 3.3 4.5 3.9 1.28 0.26 2.30 2.28 21.8

02-03 超音速 29 41.3 44.1% 35.1% 92.0% 1.7 3.9 5.6 5.9 1.59 0.10 2.79 2.45 24.5

02-03 雄鹿 47 35.8 43.7% 39.5% 91.3% 1.0 3.7 4.6 3.5 1.21 0.23 2.49 3.17 21.3

02-03 -总和- 76 37.9 43.9% 37.7% 91.6% 1.2 3.8 5.0 4.4 1.36 0.18 2.61 2.89 22.5

03-04 超音速 56 38.4 44.0% 39.2% 90.4% 1.2 3.9 5.1 4.8 1.27 0.20 2.79 2.36 23.0

04-05 超音速 78 39.3 42.8% 37.6% 88.3% 1.0 3.4 4.4 3.7 1.08 0.06 2.19 2.14 23.9

05-06 超音速 78 37.9 45.4% 41.2% 90.3% 0.9 3.3 4.3 3.7 1.35 0.21 2.41 1.94 25.1

06-07 超音速 55 40.4 43.8% 37.2% 90.3% 1.0 3.5 4.5 4.1 1.49 0.20 2.80 2.05 26.4

07-08 凯尔特人 38 38 38.3 0.418 0.372 0.923 1.2 2.8 4.1 3.0 1.0 0.1 1.79 1.8 18.1

职业生涯 828 824 37.5 0.445 0.396 0.889 1.2 3.4 4.6 3.9 1.3 0.1 2.43 2.4 21.3季后赛平均数据表:

赛季 球队 出场 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前场 后场 总篮板 助攻 抢断 封盖 失误 犯规 得分

98-99 雄鹿 3 40.0 53.2% 47.4% 61.5% 2.7 4.7 7.3 4.3 1.00 0.33 3.67 3.00 22.3

99-00 雄鹿 5 37.2 44.4% 38.5% 90.9% 2.0 4.6 6.6 2.6 1.60 0.00 1.80 2.00 22.0

00-01 雄鹿 18 42.7 47.7% 47.9% 91.9% 1.1 3.1 4.1 6.0 1.33 0.56 2.39 2.44 25.1

04-05 超音速 11 39.6 47.4% 37.8% 88.9% 1.1 3.2 4.3 3.9 1.27 0.36 3.09 2.00 26.5

职业生涯 37 40.8 47.6% 43.5% 88.6% 1.3 3.4 4.8 4.8 1.32 0.41 2.62 2.30 24.9


国籍: 美国


位置: 得分后卫

球队: 波士顿凯尔特人


选秀: 1996年第1轮第5位(森林狼,随后交换至雄鹿)

大学: 康涅狄格大学(96年毕业),为康涅狄格州世纪队荣誉队长

07-08赛季工资: 1600万美元

合同情况:5年 7986万,2005/8/3签,2010夏



公牛:飞人乔丹、蝙蝠侠皮蓬 湖人魔术师约翰逊、天钩贾巴尔、鲨鱼奥尼尔、小飞侠科比

步行者:雷吉.米勒 爵士:邮差马龙、约翰.斯托克顿

76人:艾佛森 火箭:大梦奥拉朱旺


魔术:魔兽霍华德、便士哈达威、麦蒂 马刺:海军上将罗宾逊、石佛邓肯

活塞:微笑刺客伊赛亚托马斯 小牛:诺维斯基





If you ask me bout my favourite NBA player,the answer must be Michle Jordan 5 tears ago but now it changed to Yao Ming. The 2006-2007 regular season of NBA will start soon.As the center of Houston Rockets,the proud of our Chinese,Yao Ming is becoming more and more dominant in NBA,the first class basketball league has came to much more highlighted.Especilly in China,all the Chinese basketball fans see the Rockets as their hometeam.I'm the super fan of it.And of course,fan of Yao. Several days ago,Yao twisted his ankle in the match VS Orlanto Magic.It really depressed me as the unending injuries had haunted the Rockets for the last whole season.I am so happy to know later that Yao is alright and will be healthy enough to face the challenges of new season.He is always performing like a gentleman no matter in the match or in daily life.I think he is a perfect delegate of China to the whole world.


Stephen Curry, born on March 14, 1988 in Akron, Ohio, USA, a professional basketball player in the United States, is a team guard who plays for the NBA Golden State Warriors.

Stephen Curry in 2009 through the draft into the NBA has been effective in the Warriors, rookie season selected for the best rookie first team; 2014-15 season with the Warriors won the NBA championship; twice elected regular season MVP, twice selected The best team first team, 4 times selected All-Star Game West starting lineup.

Stephen Curry in 2010 with the US team won the World Championships in Turkey, in 2014 with the US team won the Spanish Basketball World Cup champion.

nba 球星简介英文 (三)

Stephen John Nash, OC, OBC (born February 7, 1974),is a Canadian professional basketball player who plays point guard for the Phoenix Suns of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Brought up in a family of sportsmen, he enjoyed an outstanding high school basketball career, but garnered no attention from United States college recruiters. He was eventually recruited by Santa Clara University, and in Nash's four seasons with the Broncos, the team made three NC Tournament appearances. Nash was twice named the West Coast Conference Player of the Year, and he left Santa Clara as the all-time leader in assists.

Nash entered the 1996 NBA Draft and was selected as the 15th pick by the Phoenix Suns. He made a minimal impact, and was traded to the Dallas Mavericks in 1998. By his third season with the Mavericks, he was voted into his first NBA All-Star Game had earned his first All-NBA selection. Together with Dirk Nowitzki and Michael Finley, Nash led the Mavericks to the Western Conference Finals the following season. However, he became a free agent after the 2003–04 season and returned to the Phoenix Suns.

Nash was instrumental in transforming the Suns into one of the top teams of the Western Conference. He led the Suns to the Western Conference Finals in the 2004–05 season, and was named the league's Most Valuable Player. He was named MVP again in the 2005–06 season, and missed out on a third consecutive MVP title to Nowitzki the next season. Named by ESPN in 2006 as the ninth greatest point guard of all time, Nash has led the league in assists and free throw percentage at various points in his career, although he has occasionally been criticised for his poor defence. He is ranked as one of the top players in league history for three point shooting, free throw shooting, total assists and assists per game.

Nash, who is married, is also heavily involved in charity and humanitarian work. In 2006, Time magazine named Nash as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. On 28 December 2007 it was announced that Nash will receive Canada's highest civilian honour, the Order Of Canada.



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